Sessions’ Border Trip Skips Real Solutions


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449

TUCSON, AZ-- Attorney General Jeff Sessions today will visit Arizona to tour the U.S.-Mexico border. A long-time proponent of building a wall along the border, Attorney General Sessions has ramped up deportation efforts and threatened pro-immigrant cities and counties with enforcement actions and the loss of federal funds. His border trip coincides with the beginning of the Border Security Expo.


In anticipation of his visit, Dan Millis of  the Sierra Club’s Grand Canyon Chapter Borderlands Program  issued the following statement.


“It’s telling that Mr. Sessions’ trip to Arizona coincides with a big-money expo for companies looking to profit from dividing communities along the border. A real focus on immigration solutions would include humane, sensible measures to address the root causes of migration. Instead, the Trump administration, and Mr. Sessions, are set on throwing good taxpayer money after bad on a boondoggle of a wall that will only cause greater harm to families and wildlife along the border, while failing as immigration policy.”
