Senator Durbin Leads Introduction of Bill to Make America’s Elections More Democratic

Jonathon Berman, (202) 297-7533,

Washington, DC -- Today, Senator Dick Durbin (IL) was joined by 23 of his colleagues in introducing the Fair Elections Now Act. This bill aims to reduce the influence of big money on our elections and raise the voices of everyday Americans.

In response, Sierra Club Deputy Legislative Director Dalal Aboulhosn

“The Sierra Club applauds Senator Durbin and those who join him today in seeking to make America’s elections more democratic. Big money -- especially that from the fossil fuel industry -- is drowning out everyday Americans’ voices and monopolizing Congressmembers’ attention. Rathern than spending what already consists of nearly half their time devoted to fundraising, our elected officials can spend it on lifting up their constituents voices and needs.

“This bill will clean-up our democracy, and in turn, permit Congress to begin cleaning-up our environment. We call on the Senate to take Senator Durbin’s bill immediately and return our government to one that is of, by, and for the people.”
