Scott Pruitt is Cooking the Books to Discredit the Clean Water Rule

Brian Willis: 202.675.2386,

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Donald Trump’s EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, attempted to discredit the Clean Water Rule by pressuring his agency and the Army Corps of Engineers to dispute their own 2015 economic analysis of the rule.


In response, Dalal Aboulhosn, Sierra Club’s Deputy Legislative Director for Land and Water, released the following statement:  


“We are not surprised that Scott Pruitt is cooking the books to try and discredit the clear economic and public health benefits of the Clean Water Rule. His polluter friends have vocally called for an end to the rule so that they can avoid being held accountable for contaminating our drinking water supplies.


“The American people count on the EPA to keep our drinking water safe, and this disregard for independent science is a disservice to all our families. The Clean Water Act makes it plain that science should lead policy, not the other way around, and Pruitt’s actions this week shows that he doesn’t care about either. American families are counting on Sierra Club and our allies to hold Pruitt accountable to the law as long as he is in office, and that’s exactly what we intend to do.”