Portman Spreads Falsehood to Cover Support for BLM Methane CRA


Jonathon Berman, (202) 495-3033, joanthon.berman@sierraclub.org

Washington, DC -- Last night, Senator Rob Portman (OH) announced support for a Resolution of Disapproval under the Congressional Review Act of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) methane waste prevention rule. The rule curbs methane pollution from oil and gas operations on public and tribal lands, preventing waste and reducing the health effects of methane pollution on nearby communities. Senator Portman credited his decision to support nullifying the rule based on concessions from Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke to take action on methane. Use of the Congressional Review Act to kill a rule prevents the reissuing of substantially similar rules from being promulgated, preventing the agency from following through on said promise.

In response, Sierra Club Ohio Chapter Director Jen Miller released the following statement:

“Senator Portman claims he wants to protect Ohioans and tackle methane emissions, but he just sold out both for the corporate polluters that fill his campaign coffers. The methane rule is a commonsense standard that protects our public lands, like Wayne National Forest, and our health by reducing air pollution. Portman’s support for the CRA could spell the permanent end of the rule. The Senator either does not understand the dangerous consequences of his decision to use a blunt instrument like the CRA, or he doesn’t care and is merely paying lip-service by claiming he wants action. Either way, Senator Portman will be making polluters happy at the expense of everyday Ohioans.”
