Polluting Pruitt Dissembles and Deflects During Senate Budget Defense

Rudhdi Karnik, rudhdi.karnik@sierraclub.org, 202-495-3055

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Today, climate change denying, fossil fuel ally EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt testified before Senate Appropriations Committee to review the FY2018 budget cuts targeting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and its core programs.


In response, Melinda Pierce, Sierra Club’s Legislative Director, released the following statement:


“In a classic #PollutingPruitt move, Scott Pruitt managed to keep a straight face while spewing hypocrisy when questioned by Senators as to why he plans to cut lifesaving health protections for millions of American families. Rather than answering the questions, Pruitt instead talked about “getting back to basics” AKA ‘getting back to pollution.’ Pruitt even acknowledged that he has no explanation for taking down the EPA climate change website. Perhaps the explanation is that it promoted scientific consensus and not polluter’s wishes.


“Scott Pruitt continues to make it clear that he will put ideology and polluter profits ahead of public health and our environment every time--and that is extremely dangerous for families across the nation that rely on EPA health protections to keep them and their loved ones safe. The Senate must do right by the families they represent and reject this disastrous budget.”