Pence Confirms Voting Commission Will Seek to Block Americans From Voting

Jonathon Berman, (202) 495-3033,

Washington, DC -- Today, Mike Pence’s office confirmed that the commissioned established to investigate Donald Trump’s thoroughly debunked claims that 2-3 million Americans voted illegally in the 2016 election will run the state voter files previously requested against federal database to check for “fraudulent” registrations. Voting experts note that this is certain to produce thousands of false positives, which this administration could use to spread its made-up claim of mass voter fraud.


In response, Sierra Club Democracy Program Director Courtney Hight released the following statement:

“Donald Trump’s commission isn’t merely a sham, it’s a dangerous attempt to strip the voting rights of millions of Americans. This is an assault on our democracy, and it certainly isn’t what America should strive to be. A true leader would want to hear from more of the voices they represent, not fewer, and the Sierra Club, and millions of Americans will continue to defend our rights and ensure more people have the opportunity to participate in our country’s democracy.”
