***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Tuesday, Aug. 15: Tele-Press Briefing on EPA’s Midterm Evaluation of Vehicle Tailpipe Standards, Including Expected Reopening of Public Docket

Lauren Lantry (202) 548-6599 lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- At 11:30 am ET on August 15, experts from the environmental community will provide insight into the Environmental Protection Agency’s latest actions on the midterm evaluation for the previously finalized vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards, including an expected reopening of the docket for public comment. Experts will discuss the impacts this reopening will have on the environment and consumer savings, and how this fits into the  Trump administration’s ongoing agenda to weaken successful clean car standards.  

What: Briefing for reporters on the Environmental Protection Agency’s review of the previously finalized vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards.

When: Tuesday, August 15, 11:30am ET


Sierra Club Deputy Legislative Director for Transportation, Andrew Linhardt

Natural Resources Defense Council’s Director of Energy & Transportation, Roland Hwang

Environment America Global Warming Solutions Advocate, Aminah Zaghab

How: RSVP to Lauren Lantry at lauren.lantry@sierraclub.org

Conference number: (866)831‑8713

Conference ID: Tailpipes

