***MEDIA ADVISORY*** TOMORROW: California Residents to Challenge Public Land Threats

Roberto Morales (818) 427-5699 or roberto.morales@sierraclub.org

Los Angeles, CA -- Tomorrow, Californians will host a star-studded National Monuments Day in LA including a famous actor, congresspeople and tons of coalition partners. The group will display a cardboard cutout of Interior Secretary Zinke nearby. Attendees can take selfies and tag Zinke on Twitter with the hashtag #Wishyouwerehere to gain his attention in a quirky, visual way.


Californians are responding to an attack on seven of their national monuments -- the most under review out of any state. Volunteers will reveal the serious flaws with logging proposals advanced by the Trump administration that would remove healthy trees vital to California’s public lands. The event will join in unison with events around the country, amplifying their voices in a fight for public lands.


WHAT: A press conference with speakers urging defense of public lands.

WHERE: Los Angeles State Historic Park Address: 1245 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012

WHEN: August 22nd at 8am breakfast and rally with the press conference starting at 8:45am

WHO: Special Guests: Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congressman Adam Schiff, Congressman Jimmy Gomez, The San Gabriel Mountains Forever Coalition including Sierra Club, TWS, APCON , COFEM, Climate Resolve.
