Mayor Steve Benjamin to Introduce Landmark 100 Percent Clean Energy Measure At U.S. Conference Of Mayors


Mark Westlund, 415-977-5719,

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- U.S. Conference of Mayors Vice President Mayor Steve Benjamin along with his Mayors for 100% Clean Energy Co-Chairs today introduced a landmark resolution to the U.S. Conference of Mayors that would formally establish support from the nation’s mayors for the goal of 100 percent renewable energy in cities nationwide.


If approved, the measure would represent one of the strongest energy policies adopted by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and could pave the way to community-wide 100 percent clean energy commitments in cities throughout the United States. Over 25 cities across the country have now committed to 100 percent clean, renewable energy.


The U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting, which is the largest gathering of mayors in the country, will be held from June 23-June 26 in Miami Beach, Florida.


“It’s up to us as leaders to creatively implement clean energy solutions for our cities across the nation. It’s not merely an option now; it’s imperative,” said Mayor Benjamin. “Cities and mayors can lead the transition away from fossil fuels to 100 percent clean and renewable energy. With this measure, we intend to show that we will. It’s time for leadership and I urge my fellow mayors to join me in supporting this resolution.”


The new Mayors for 100% Clean Energy initiative launched in April is co-chaired by Mayor Philip Levine of Miami Beach, Mayor Jackie Biskupski of Salt Lake City, Mayor Kevin Faulconer of San Diego, and Mayor Stephen K. Benjamin of Columbia, South Carolina. Mayors for 100% Clean Energy aims to demonstrate bold local leadership and showcase the depth and breadth of support from city leaders for a transition to 100 percent renewable energy.

Mayor Jackie Biskupi of Salt Lake City, Utah, added: “As a mayor—and a mother—I’m committed to doing everything possible to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for our community. The impacts of climate change cross city lines and political boundaries. I urge all mayors to join with me, Mayor Benjamin, the other co-chairs, and an ever-growing cadre of city leaders taking action. Join with us and make the pledge to transition to 100 percent clean energy.”

“As mayor of Miami Beach and this year's host of the US Conference of Mayors, I encourage mayors to vote for the resolution and support a vision of 100 percent clean energy.  Earlier this month, I issued a proclamation stating my aim to pursue a 100% renewable energy transition in my City of Miami Beach.  We hope to continue to be a model for other communities that want to address climate change and advance clean energy solutions. The Conference of Mayors is a great opportunity for cities to show that we will lead the way nationally.” said Miami Beach mayor Philip Levine.

In addition to announcing the new U.S. Conference of Mayors measure, Mayor Benjamin today also issued a new mayoral proclamation endorsing a goal of powering Columbia entirely with clean and renewable energy.