Hundreds of Thousands Urge Pruitt to Keep Methane Protections in Place

Gabby Brown,

Washington, DC -- Today marks the final day of the comment period on Scott Pruitt’s plan to delay implementation of key safeguards limiting methane pollution from new oil and gas operations. The agency itself has acknowledged the public health threat this delay poses, particularly to children. But at the request of the oil and gas industry, Pruitt has moved to stay enforcement of this critical rule by two years.

Efforts to implement a separate 90-day stay of the rule were defeated in court recently, as Pruitt continues to overreach in his efforts to prop up the fossil fuel industry and limit environmental protections.

In response, Lena Moffitt, Senior Director of the Sierra Club's Our Wild America Campaign, issued the following statement:

“It’s clear from the hundreds of thousands of comments submitted today that Scott Pruitt’s priorities are out of step with those of the American people. Unlike Pruitt, the American people value the health of our climate and our children over handouts for corporate polluters. These standards are essential for protecting the health of our communities, families, and children, and the Sierra Club will continue to fight to see them enforced.”
