EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to Hold “Secret Meetings” in NE

Rudhdi Karnik, rudhdi.karnik@sierraclub.org, 202-495-3055

LINCOLN, NE-- Today, Donald Trump’s EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is expected to be in Lincoln, NE for a “secret meeting” with Jim Macy, the head of Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality and potentially the Governor as well, though the Governor’s office refused to confirm or comment.


In response, John Crabtree, Sierra Club’s Campaign Representative in Nebraska released the following statement:


“Pruitt’s sketchy ‘secret meetings’ all around the country should make us all wonder what he’s got to hide. If he’s doing the job that he is supposed to be doing-- protecting public health-- then there should be no reason to hold private meetings behind closed doors. However, it’s no surprise that Pruitt doesn’t want the public to know the truth about who he’s meeting with and what they’re discussing, when he’s built his career on putting the agenda of corporate polluters before the health of our children.


“Pruitt’s other secret meetings around the country have been about eliminating clean water protections and providing support for dirty coal plants. Meanwhile, here in Nebraska, people are openly talking about the need to reject the dirty tar sands that would run through the Keystone XL pipeline, which does nothing for Nebraska. Nebraskans are openly talking about the need for more clean energy - wind and solar - to replace aging, dirty, more-expensive coal fired power plants.


“Here’s a not-so-secret message to Scott Pruitt: keeping American families safe and healthy does not involve hiding the truth.”