Enbridge Tar Sands Pipeline Environmental Review Released


Jonathon Berman, (202) 495-3033, joanthon.berman@sierraclub.org

Minneapolis, MN -- Today, the Minnesota Department of Commerce released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Enbridge’s Line 3 Pipeline. The proposed tar sands pipeline has faced widespread backlash from communities for the proposed reroute and expansion of a section of the pipeline through the Mississippi headwaters and treaty protected wild rice waters and issues with abandonment of the aging current-Line 3 section.

Today’s announcement begins a two month comment period, that includes 22 public meetings at locations across the state, for Minnesotans to weigh in on if this adequately details the threats that pipelines bring to our water, treaty rights, and our climate.

In response, Chapter Director of the North Star Chapter Sierra Club Margaret Levin released the following statement:

“The fact remains that it’s never a question of whether a pipeline will spill but when. Enbridge’s dirty plan to expand and reroute Line 3 will increase the severe risks to Minnesota’s communities, pristine waters, and climate. This proposal is yet another example of corporate polluters attempting to use eminent domain for their own profits, trampling over treaty rights and other resources in the process. We look forward to closely examining the Draft Environmental Impact Statement to make sure it fully addresses the potential impacts.”
