Donald Trump Continues His All Talk, No Action Presidency


Jonathon Berman, (202) 297-7533,

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump fired off a series of tweets complaining about government funding, when in reality, it is his budget that included cuts for the programs mentioned, and it’s his allies in Congress that have the ability to either shut down the government or keep the lights on.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

“It is Donald Trump’s budget that fails to guarantee benefits for coal miners. It is Donald Trump’s budget that slashes funding for our National Parks. It is Donald Trump who is trying to dismantle national monuments and scrap protected wild places. It is Donald Trump’s budget that would cut support funding for millions of Americans and prevent them from taking a vacation with their families -- all while forking over new benefits and tax cuts for corporate polluters.

“So far, Donald Trump’s presidency is exactly what candidate Trump would have railed against: all talk, no action, and consistent failure. No tweets can cover up the fact that Trump is putting the profits of polluters and Wall Street before any plans to protect workers, protect our parks, and protect our communities.”
