Boston Residents Rally for Protection of Marine Monuments Threatened by Trump Administration

Jacob Stern (617) 423-5775 or
  • Boston, MA--Today, Boston residents joined with multiple advocacy groups to stress threats to the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Marine Monument. The event came just days before Zinke’s final monument recommendations--which is putting marine and public lands monuments on the chopping block. Recently, Zinke signaled threats to land and cultural sites in other states and is considering revamping a plan for oil extraction off of coasts. Today’s attendees were a part of over 2.7 million who offered public comment on the review--98% which supported keeping protections for public lands and marine monuments.

    In response, Jacob Stern Organizer at Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter issued the following statement:

    “Once again, Boston residents urged Zinke to protect public lands and marine spaces, keeping them open for the public-- not closed for offshore drilling and other destructive activities.                                                                                                                                                                                              

    “Northeast Canyons and Seamounts is the lifeline for a ton of ocean life and endangered sea corals but their protection is under threat twofold: proposed drilling off the East Coast and this unprecedented review and threat to erase this marine monument.

    “This administration’s efforts to remove critical land and wildlife protections is part of an extreme political agenda which is detrimental to our communities, this region’s economy, and sealife.”
