RF100 Chesco Supermarkets - Shoppers

Supermarkets – Part of the Climate Solution

For shoppers

When we food shop, we want to support supermarkets and chains that are doing their part to address the climate crisis. Here are some resources that will help you learn about what is already being done, where more needs to be done and how you can get involved. 

Learn about where you shop 

Check out the Environmental Investigation Agency’s Climate Friendly Supermarket Scorecard. They analyzed the biggest U.S. supermarkets on their actions to reduce emissions of super pollutant hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Each company is scored on actions in three categories of technology adoption, refrigerant management, and policy & commitments. For more information, visit their scorecard FAQ page. 

For a broader sustainability assessment, take a look at the Brightly’s comparison of the largest chains on a range of key sustainability concerns. 

This April 2021 article also highlights some of the leaders in the supermarket industry.


Speak up

  1. Sign the petition for Green America’s  Cool It! Campaign which is urging Walmart (one of the largest retail supermarkets globally) to reduce HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons), potent greenhouse gases that are increasing every year, escalating the climate crisis. They also are looking at Trader Joe’s refrigeration practices.

  2. Ask your local store manager about the chain’s climate action plan and HFC reduction plan. 

  3. Spend your money at supermarkets that reflect your values.

  4. Participate in the Chester County High Emitters Outreach Group to work directly with the supermarkets in Chester County. Volunteer Interest Form


Confused about HFCs?  Watch this short video and read this recent report Leaking Havoc.