Resources for Homeowners/Renters

Simple Steps Homeowners Can Take to Save Energy & Money

Reducing energy use is easy and you can actually save money by doing it.  One of the best places to start is in your home.  Keep reading for some simple steps you can take today, right now, to start saving a lot of energy (and money). 

Surely you were told when you were growing up to “Turn off the lights when you leave the room” or “Take shorter showers!”  But what else can you do?

Schedule an in-home Energy Assessment with PECO, 1-888-573-2672

The cost is only $25, and you will be given up to $125 in free energy saving products including LED lights, smart power strips, and water saving devices (all optional to install).  They will recommend things such as replacing incandescent light bulbs with LEDs; sealing ductwork; air sealing windows, doors, and your attic; and checking for adequate insulation.  Visit the website below or call to get more information and schedule an appointment.  We highly recommend giving PECO a call. 

Simple Home Improvements to Save Energy

  1. Replace all incandescent light bulbs in your home with LED bulbs.  Go into each room, write down how many light bulbs you need to buy, and get it done.  On average, lighting is about 12% of a home’s energy bill and LEDs use 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs.  With minimal effort, you will cut your energy bill by about 10%. 

  2. Buy “Smart Power Strips” for your TVs and computers.  It will prevent power from flowing to these devices when they are plugged in and are on “standby” mode.  This will save 5-10% on your energy bill.  If you have PECO do the home energy assessment they will provide you at least one for free and ensure that you set it up correctly.

  3. Install a programmable thermostat.  Turn down the heat when sleeping and when you are not home during the day.  Turn up the AC temperature when you are away.

  4. Seal air leaks by your windows, doors, and in your attic.  This can save you as much as 30% depending on how drafty your home is.  It may be worth paying a professional to do this job.  For most homes, the PECO energy assessment will identify the need to do this, and PECO will provide a list of contractors who can perform the work.  

  5. Check your attic for adequate insulation and increase/replace if needed.  Again the PECO assessment would help.  You could tackle the job on your own or hire a professional.  Besides saving a lot of money the air sealing and insulation will have the added benefit of making your home more comfortable, especially homes that have trouble keeping their upstairs cool in the summer.

  6. Buy Energy Star appliances.  If you need to replace your washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, or any other major appliances there is no reason not to buy the most efficient appliance.

 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Save Energy

  1. Hang clothes to dry whenever possible.  An electric dryer can cost $150 to $200 per year to operate.

  2. Use cold water for laundry when possible.  There are cold water detergents available that are very effective.

  3. If you have ceiling fans, use them.  Set them to spin counter clockwise in the summer and clockwise in the winter.  This will allow you to increase your thermostat setting 3-4 degrees in the summer and decrease it 3-4 degrees in the winter with no change in comfort.

  4. Maintain your HVAC equipment.  Replace filters regularly and have someone come out to clean, inspect, and maintain your system once or twice a year.  You’ll save money and extend the life of your system.

  5. Open your windows.  Turn off the AC and open them on cool nights during air conditioning season.  Turn off the heat and open them on warm days during heating season.

  6. Turn off the television and other electronics when not using them.

The link below contains a good list of even more in-home energy saving ideas.

 Renewable Energy

A great way to make an impact with no upfront investment is to change your electricity to a supplier who uses 100% renewable energy.  Go to the PA Power Switch website and shop around:

 If you really want to make a big impact and are able to make the up-front investment, look into geothermal and/or solar energy.  It is important to take the in-home energy conservation steps listed above first which will result in the need for a smaller and less expensive geothermal and/or solar system.

Popular Rebates / Tax Credits

Finally, please don’t forget to take advantage of the following rebates and tax credits listed here:

  • Attic Insulation = $500 Rebate
  • Air Sealing = $300 Rebate
  • Air Duct Sealing = $300 Rebate
  • Solar = 30% Federal Tax Credit

