Paint Chester County

The Second Paint Chester County 

Art Show & Sale Fundraiser 

After a great first art show and sale in the fall of 2017, Sierra Club of Chester County is hosting the 2019 edition of Paint Chester County.

If you are an artist interested in showing your work, CLICK HERE to register as an artist for the event.

No tickets required, but we'd appreciate knowing that you plan to join the party by RSVPing HERE.

This year the show will be on May 18, 2019 at Galer Estate Winery in Chadds Ford, just north of Longwood Gardens.

In 2017 everyone was impressed and enjoyed the winery. And they were awesome hosts, providing tables and tablecloths, display walls for the art, even special lighting and letting us put nails in the walls on the barn walls. We sold about 18 pieces of art and collected lots of donations from our many friends that responded to our outreach on email, social media, a write-up in the Daily Local News, outreach from allied groups like Save Marple Greenspace and Neighbors for Crebilly and 4CP.

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Enjoy the photos of the day below: