Mariner East Pipeline

An Informed Community Is Safer and Potentially Less Polluting

Champion: Bernie Greenberg

Several pipeline co's are proposing expanded gas pipeline infrastructure to increase the flow of shale gas from upstate to processing and export terminals along th


e Delaware.

At risk are contaminated streams (during construction and when operating), increased safety concerns and emergency preparedness, property values in the vacinity: of pipelines, pumping stations and flare stacks. And of course more pipelines enables and attracts more industry that adds to global warming due to increased leakage and ultimate burning of methane.

New Chester County Pipelines. Though there are already many pipelines in Chester County, controversial modifications of an old pipeline and an entirely new pipeline have been proposed by Sunoco Logistics. Mariner East I went into operation in 1932 to transport petroleum products from Marcus Hook. This 83 year old pipeline which runs through several townships in Chester County will be repurposed to carry natural gas liquids, mainly ethane and propane, from Marcellus Shale to their Marcus Hook refinery. This pipeline is to transport 70,00 barrels/day of gas liquids in their existing 8" and 12" pipes. It has been estimated that over 90% of the processed natural gas would be shipped overseas. Eighteen new pumping stations with 34 foot flare stacks will need to be built. Mariner East II is a new 16" to 24" pipeline planned by Sunoco to follow the right-of-way of Mariner I East. It should be noted that natural gas liquids are more combustible and because they are odorless, leak detection is more difficult.

Strategy, Tactics: Educate, map w/ route - visualize, Partner w/ activist groups, Call for SC Members to help, Are there legal issues (Em Domain)?, Expose Downingtown school dist payoff.



Partners: Clean Air Council, Delaware River Keepers, Protecting Our Waters.

An Independent Risk Assessment is Needed

Pennsylvanians have petitioned, called, and even met with him to ask for a risk assessment, to no avail. It is Gov. Wolf’s responsibility to protect the lives of Pennsylvanians, not the PUC or DEP. Since he is unwilling to do so, we have decided to conduct our own comprehensive, independent risk assessment, taking careful steps to ensure the results will be objective and data-driven.”  said Caroline Hughes, member of Del-Chesco United for Pipeline Safety 


Activists and local officials, including Senator Dinniman, are calling for a "risk assessment" be conducted to quantify the probibility of a catasphrophy happening along the route of the new pipeline - Daily Local News story about Jan 25 meeting.

Citizens groups are raising money now for an independent risk assessment - GoFundMe page

Rally for Community Safety - June 9, DLN Article

Earlier articles about the shutdown:

Sunoco Can't Bury Resident's Concerns - Daily Local News 6/11/2018

PUC halts all Mariner East flow again - Post Gazette 5/24/2018
ME2 Construction Halted in Chester County - StateImpact 5/24/2018

Press Release from Joann Kilgour, Sierra Club, PA Chapter Director

Front page article in Philadelphia Inquirer 1/4/2018 

Front Page article in Daily Local News 1/4/2018
Suspension Lift Press Release 2/8/2018 

Sunoco Offers To Relocate Residents During Well Testing 4/3/2018

Senator Dinniman Sues Sunoco 4/30/2018