Slimy Leaves for Health Streams: A Training in the Leaf Pack Network

Sat, Nov 4, 2017  9:30 AM  - 3:30 PM  

Join Sierra Club at the Stroud Water Research Center for a hands-on training in the Leaf Pack Experiment, a fun research and outreach tool, demonstrating how our actions on land impact life in streams and water quality. Participants will be able to conduct their own Leaf Pack experiments to gather relevant ecological data, exploring food webs, learning macroinvertebrate classification skills, using technology to share date, and compare data with other communities.

Level: Easy

Cost: FREE - Registration Required

Bring: Waterproof boots or waders - we will be in the water of beautiful White Clay Creek! Boots are also available to borrow from the Center.

Signup Restrictions: This training is for those ages 10 and up. Once you have completed the training, the Leaf Pack experiment can be conducted with all ages