Sierra Club Outdoors National Conference Postponed to 2016


We are very sorry to have to postpone our first annual conference due to low enrollment.  
We are looking forward to planning one in 2016 and 

we would like to hear from you about what interests you.

Take part in the first Sierra Club Outdoors National Conference at Clair Tappaan Lodge in Norden, California, in the northern Sierra Nevada. Join Sierra Club leaders and experts from partner organizations to share inventive ideas to help you better connect people to the outdoors. Topics include strategies to teach beginners, create strong partnerships in order to better local programming and build an outings program that interests your community. You'll leave the conference inspired to start or grow new and innovative outdoor programs back at home.

Planning new outdoor activities!

Our featured speakers from the Sierra Club and our partners include:

  • Chris Applegate - Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Outings Chair
  • Teresa Baker - African Americans in the National Parks Day
  • Stacy Bare - Sierra Club Outdoors Director
  • Chad Brown - Soul River Runs Deep
  • Graciela Cabello - Latino Outdoors
  • Arturo Cervantes - Sierra Club Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) past participant and current leader.
  • Allison Chin - Sierra Club Board of Directors and ICO leader.
  • Davido Crow - Diversity and Disability Awareness Training Facilitator
  • Jose Gonzalez - Latino Outdoors
  • Allen Hernandez - Sierra Club My Generation Campaign
  • Mel Mac Innis - Sierra Club Outdoors Associate Director & San Francisco Bay ICO Rafting Leader
  • Dan Richter - Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Desert Peaks Section and Sierra Peaks Section Chair and Leader; Leadership Training Committee member and Advanced Mountaineering.
  • Jessica Ronald - Sierra Club Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager
  • Chris Rutger - Transforming Youth Outdoors (TYO)
  • Eric Uram - Sierra Club Outdoors Volunteer Co-Lead & John Muir Chapter Outings Chair
  • Robert Vessels - Sierra Club Military Volunteer Coordinator

Current sessions include:

  • Engaging the Military Community to Build Your Volunteer Team
  • Reaching Today's Youth for a Better Tomorrow
  • Designing a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Plan for Your Chapter or Group
  • Building an outings program that reflects your community
  • How to Create an Inclusive Outings or Trainings Program
  • The Science of Awe! Explore the Groundbreaking Research that Proves the Power of the Outdoors
  • Creating a Grassroots Movement in the Outdoor Community
  • Educating New Backcountry Travelers
  • Creating Innovative Outdoor Skills Programs
  • Creating Strong Partnerships To Enhance Local Programming
  • Online Resources to Build and Better Your Programs
  • Training and Retaining Great Volunteer Leaders