A Letter from the School Principal

Kids in front of lake   

At ICO, we work closely with a number of schools, principals, and after school programs and their directors to work together to help the kids they serve access the outdoors. The principal of Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation who our fantastic team at NYC ICO supports is moving on, but took the time to write this letter to our amazing team of volunteers:


    I am writing to announce that I will be transitioning over the next few weeks from the principalship at UASWC...[we] are all working to ensure a successful transition in leadership...I am confident that our mission will remain as focused and purposeful as it has always been.

     As founding principal, this was not an easy decision and I want to personally  thank every  you for your dedication as a founding partner in delivering a program that challenges students with high college ready expectations, and also provides the supports our students need to reach them – including fresh air!  The Sierra Club Inner City Outings Program and your team on a personal level contribute a great deal in  engaging students and their families in their education and breaking the cycles of poverty that otherwise limit their opportunities.   I am truly grateful to you and the work you’ve done with our students.