Highlights and the Hangout with Michael Brune

A couple weeks back Michael Brune, the Executive Director of the Sierra Club, and I, along with Sierra Club Foundation Board member and fellow National Geographic Adventurer and ambassador at The North Face, Juan Martinez, and I sat down for a thirty-minute conversation about Sierra Club Outdoors and the mission critical role to any healthy conservation movement that getting people outside plays.

You can see the full thirty minute hangout here


 A few highlighted quotes from Michael Brune speaking about the value of Sierra Club Outdoors (SCO) and the importance of getting outside:

 “Getting outdoors is a vital as an end to itself…no one looks back at the end of the year and says, ‘I wish I had sent more emails, I wish I had spent more time on conference calls…’”

 “We all come away from the power of the outdoors more centered…Reconnect to our roots, inspire our activists, fighting coal plants, or monuments; staff or volunteer, working in the chapters or groups, to find more ways to get more people outside including our friends and family.”

 “The real value of the outdoors is now, more important than ever…More efforts to bring conservatives, liberals, libertarians, Republicans and Democrats together outdoors and get to know one another.”

 “Outings fits into the vision of everything we’re doing, coal, oil, OWA (Our Wild America) to protect 5 million acres over the next couple of years and inspire the Administration to inspire use of the Antiquities Act.”

 “The work that we’re (Sierra Club Outdoors) doing is so important, and the fact that its lead by volunteers; is being driven and led and guided and shaped and powering this work is amazing.”

Thanks for the hangout Michael and Juan and for the many volunteers who joined in and asked questions! In the next few days we'll have longer answers out here in this space to many of the questions asked!