Gabby Kientzle

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Press Releases

Political, Environmental leaders Urge Facebook Oversight Board to Close Loophole for Climate Deniers

Washington, D.C. –  Today, more than a dozen leading political and environmental activists wrote to the Facebook Oversight Board demanding that Facebook shut down a loophole the company created…

Sierra Club Urges Court to Halt Construction on Parts of Permian Highway Fracked Gas Pipeline

Austin, TX -- Late Friday evening, the Sierra Club filed a motion for preliminary injunction in its lawsuit against the Permian Highway Pipeline. In late April, the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit…

Culver City Releases Study that Supports its Authority to Phase Out Neighborhood Oil Drilling

Culver City, CA -- Culver City's city council released a new report today detailing plans on how quickly the city could phase out neighborhood oil drilling within the city’s borders, and indicates…

Appeals Court Upholds Order Blocking Keystone XL Water Crossing Permit

San Francisco, CA -- Today, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit left in place a district court decision blocking a key water crossing permit for Keystone XL and other oil and gas…

Southern Oregon Advocates Challenge Federal Approval of Jordan Cove LNG

Washington, DC -- Today, southern Oregon organizations filed a lawsuit challenging Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approval of the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector…

BlackRock’s Exxon and Chevron Votes are Good Steps but Not Enough, Say Climate Advocates

Today, BlackRock voted against the re-election of two directors at ExxonMobil and in favor of a shareholder motion that proposes splitting the role of chief executive and chairman. It also voted for…

Big Oil to Face Pressure During Shareholder Meetings Not to Destroy the Arctic Refuge

As Exxon and Chevron face shareholders tomorrow for their annual general meetings, they will face pressure from shareholders and activists to rule out drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge…

Jordan Cove LNG Rehearing Denied by Federal Agency, Southern Oregon Communities Prepare to Challenge Decision

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] -- Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced that it would deny all requests for rehearing for the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal. The State of Oregon,…

Environmental, Landowner, and Indigenous Groups Urge Court to Shut Down Dakota Access Pipeline

Washington, DC -- A coalition of environmental, landowner, and Indigenous groups filed an amicus brief today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in support of the Standing Rock…

JPMorgan Chase Faces Unprecedented Vote Against Its Financing of Fossil Fuels

Today, at the bank’s virtual annual shareholder meeting, JPMorgan Chase, the world’s worst funder of climate change, faced multiple questions on climate change as well as pressure to remove climate…