DEADLINE to RSVP for Connect the Dots is October 9th

Connect the Dots is a National Sierra Club Training. To learn more about the training opportunity, visit this blog post. 

Two groups in Ohio were given the opportunity to attend this national training - one group of four from the Water Team, and one group of four from the Columbus Ready for 100 Team. These two teams will now combine to bring this same training to the state level, and will be offering it to interested Ohio groups from November 3rd - 5th, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. This training is FREE. Thanks to support from National Sierra Club, meals for attendees will be covered, as well as lodging for those not local to Columbus.

The Connect the Dots Training is fast approaching, and space is limited. The deadline to sign up for the training is OCTOBER 9TH. Please use this form to RSVP to reserve your spot. 

View the agenda of the training, and learn about the different sessions that are covered, here.
Any questions please contact Emily Obringer at