Connect the Dots Training Opportunity

The Sierra Club Office of Chapter Support offered the Connect the Dots training as a resource for leaders to increase knowledge and skill in campaign planning and community organizing. It’s main purpose is to help state based entities meet Sierra Club’s aggressive movement building and conservation goals. Our chapters, groups and local entities are often the drivers of local campaign work. They can, and should, be effective and sustainable vehicles for individuals to contribute to change in their communities. Campaigns are a proven vehicle for building capacity in our states and local communities.  Not only do campaigns achieve real improvements in people's lives and for our communities, they attract change makers who can contribute to sustaining and increasing the power of the Sierra Club and our movement.

Two groups in Ohio were given the opportunity to attend this national training - one group of four from the Water Team, and one group of four from the Columbus Ready for 100 Team. These two teams will now combine to bring this same training to the state level, and will be offering it to interested Ohio groups from November 3rd - 5th, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. Thanks to support from National Sierra Club, meals for attendees will be covered, as well as lodging for those not local to Columbus.

Connect the dots dates

This training is designed for teams of three to five individuals that are newly forming, or that have existed for some time, and are working on a single issue or campaign priority. All organizations and affiliations are welcome to attend, attendees do not need to be Sierra Club members.

The goal of this training is for it to be a resource for new and existing leaders to deepen their commitment and connection, increase competence and confidence in campaign planning and community organizing, and enhance their contribution to engaging more leaders and supporters in transformational opportunities. Connect the Dots is designed to benefit new and existing campaign teams to be stronger on all aspects of campaign planning and implementation including:

• Campaign Planning & Strategy

• Building & Sustaining Teams

• Engaging New Volunteers & Leaders

• Creating a Vision & Narrative

• Connecting to Community Values

• Building a Partnership Network

• Power Mapping & Target Engagement

• Equity, Inclusion & Justice


For a condensed flyer that can be distributed to interested individuals or groups, click here.

If you are interested in this training, and want to be kept up-to-date on additional details as they become available, please fill out the Google Form.

Any additional questions please direct to Emily Obringer at