The 2nd Annual Wilderness Revival Sierra Club Gathering is coming up June 10, 11, 12. We are writing to invite you to attend and to invite others in your local Chapter to do so as well. You can register here.
The agenda is coming together nicely and we want to tell you about it.
It’s especially exciting to have Willie Grayeyes joining us Saturday morning. He is one of only two Native Americans elected to a county commission in Utah (and possibly in the whole country). He was instrumental in the creation of the Bears Ears National Monument. Willie is historic. It will be an honor to hear from him.
We’ll also have a couple of congressional bigwigs. Rep. Diane DeGette of Colorado and leader of the PAW+ public lands legislation package in the House of Representatives will be with us on Saturday. Not yet entirely confirmed but likely on Saturday is Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois. Sen. Durbin has quietly but effectively become one of the leading voices for public lands in the U.S. Senate. He’s also the Assistant Majority Leader.
The agenda will also get down to brass tacks. Dan Ritzman, the WILD Campaign’s Land/Water/Wildland coordinator will explain how Chapters can get new resources (yes, money) to support their protection efforts. A Team of folks from the Wildlands and Wilderness Grassroots Network Team will talk about resources they have available (sorry, not money).
We’re going to learn the joys and successes – so far – with Biden’s 30x30 effort. And yes, also the shortcomings. We’re going to hear from some excellent grassroots volunteer leader on local efforts – exemplary ones you can learn from.
Having started with the stars we’ll end there as well. Acting Sierra Club Executive Director Dan Chu will be present as will WILD Campaign Director Chris Hill.
It’s an all-star cast brought to you by your fellow volunteer leaders at the Wildlands Team. We’re all in it together and we want you to be together with us so please register here now: .
And here is a link to the full agenda: Draft Agenda WILDERNESS REVIVAL / 30X30 GATHERING - Google Docs
Thank you,
Karen Yarnell and Clayton Daughenbaugh
Wildlands and Wilderness Team Chair and Vice-Chair
2nd Annual Wilderness Revival Sierra Club Gathering
June 3, 2022