December 2nd Thurs @ 7pm Virtual Program - Single Use Plastics and Styrofoam: Why is it a problem and what can we do about it?”

Addressing Single Use Plastics and Styrofoam: Why is it a problem, and what can we do about it?

For a recording of this program click this link - Recordings

Anna Alsobrook of MountainTrue and Drew Ball, former executive director of Environment NC, discussed how Plastic Bags, Straws, Styrofoam and other single use plastics are polluting our rivers, streams, oceans and clogging our landfills and drainage systems.  It is estimated that we are now creating plastics equal to the weight of all the world’s human population every year. Alsobrook and Ball outlined what we can do locally to tackle these problems. A recording of this Zoom program can be found at:

The presenters are available to answer any followup questions you may have:

Anna Alsobrook 
Drew Ball

Here are links for action from tonight’s “addressing single use plastics”

Refill Store: To the Brim
Compost Asheville -
Personalized letter we share with commissioners: