July 2nd Program Meeting - Bear-ly There: Safe Encounters with Bears in the Wild and at Home

If you encountered a bear walking in the woods or along your neighborhood street, would you know what to do? Do you want to learn more about our neighborhood friends and hiking trail partners? You'll learn everything you want to know and get answers from an expert! With Ashley Hobbs, Assistant State Black Bear and Furbearer Biologist with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.

Watch the recorded program on YouTube:

Ashley Hobbs, NC wildlife resources commission, assistant Furbearer  and Black Bear biologist Will presented Bearwise for Sierra Club July 2 at 7 PM.  If you encountered a bear walking in the woods or along your neighborhood street, would you know what to do? Do you want to learn more about our neighborhood friends and hiking trail partners?  You'll learn everything you want to know and be able to ask questions to the experts!
Ashley graduated in 2015 from the University of Georgia with a BS Forestry Resources and an emphasis in Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences. I completed my undergraduate thesis on Leopard habitat use within Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana, Africa, which led me to become a registered Safari Guide in South Africa where I worked for a summer in college. In my career I have served in both Federal and State government, working with game and nuisance wildlife species such as, Bobwhite Quail, Beaver, Coyote, Raccoon, and Vultures just to name a few. Currently, I hold the position of Assistant State Black Bear & Furbearer Biologist with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. I am involved with the statewide management of bear, otter, bobcat, skunk, armadillo and several other species.