March 10 Asheville City Council – 3 cent property tax per $100 (Come support/ speak)

Tuesday, March 10: City Council meeting at 5 PM: comment period regarding funding 100% renewable energy, energy efficiency, weatherization, public transit, urban forests (Asheville City Council, City Hall, second floor, 70 Court Plaza) (uncertain what time comments will be taken, likely around 6:30 pm)

Meeting our Climate Change, Transit, Tree Protection, and Affordability Goals :

  • Invest in Renewable Energy & Affordability quickly & equitably by the May/June Asheville yearly budget.
  • Build a Bus System for the 21st Century – on schedule & late-night
  • Restore our Tree Canopy – we’ve lost 6% of our canopy in the last 10 years
Contact: City Councilors, all at ( Esther Manheimer, Gwen Wisler, Brian Haynes, Vijay Kapoor, Julie Mayfield, Sheneika Smith, Keith Young)
The 3 cents per $100 valuation would mean roughly $50- $100 per year for most homeowners, which would raise $4.5 million for climate change priorities.  The City's budget for next year will be set in May/June.  If we miss this deadline, another year will go by without climate change actions being taken.
 Website : FAQs and news about the 3-cent proposal here: 3 Cents For Our Future