October Program - Bird Migration of America and Europe with Simon Thompson - October 3rd, 7pm

Photo of October PresenterJoin Sierra Club of Western North Carolina (WENOCA) and Simon Thompson for a program on bird migration and climate change, Thursday, Oct 3 at 7 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place.

The climate change we are experiencing is having a profound effect on the world about us and especially the wildlife. Join local ornithologist and Ventures Birding Tours owner, Simon Thompson, for an insight into bird migration both here in Eastern North America and Europe. While we understand a lot about how birds navigate around the world, there are still many mysteries. Imminent climate change is causing changes in arrival and departure dates and even food availability along the way. We will enjoy learning about some of the birds, such as warblers, vireos, tanagers and hummingbirds that migrate through Western North Carolina twice a year and where best to see migration happening.

Simon Thompson owns and operates his own bird watching and natural history tour company, Ventures Birding Tours, based in Asheville, NC and leads small groups of naturalists and birders both within North America and to many locations throughout the world. Destinations include the Peruvian Amazon, Belize, Galapagos, Greece, France, England and Australia. Ventures also runs daytrips throughout North and South Carolina and offers weekends and longer trips to many of the top birding sites throughout the U.S. Since moving to the US in 1989, Simon had been the ornithologist and nature director at the Foothills Equestrian Nature Center (FENCE) in Tryon for 7 years until he started Ventures. He is active locally on the board of the Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society. To view his tours for 2019 and 2020, visit Birdventures.com. Or on Facebook, search Venture Birding Tours. Please use the Ventures email (Venturesbirding@gmail.com) to contact the Ventures office.