Introducing PPG’s Executive Committee for 2025
Group Chair = Karen Katula, PhD
Karen moved to NC where she took a faculty position in the Biology Dept. at UNCG. During her 30 years in NC, she and her family hiked, biked, canoed, and backpacked throughout this beautiful state. She has been a contributor to Sierra Club for many years, mainly financially, and participated in a Sierra Club organized backpack trip in Yosemite National Park. About three years ago she and her husband got involved with the Piedmont Plateau Group of the Sierra Club. She has been impressed with the tireless efforts of a core group of members, who maintain the group. Her participation in Earth Day activities and the “Save Our Trees” effort made her realize even more that change and progress are achieved through action and personal effort. Karen served as Vice Chair and also received her outings leader certificate in 2022.
Vice Chair = George Wissmiller
George is a retired police officer. He has been with Sierra Club for 10 years, an environmental activist for 15 years, and an activist for 25. He ran, unsuccessfully, for state house in Illinois and held a county board seat there. He was president and founding member of W.A.T.C.H. He's impressed with the perseverance of both the national and local Sierra Club group. He's currently running this website, setting up a virtual option for group meetings and arranging group tours
Treasurer and Outings Leader = Tom Taylor
As a long-time member, Tom has previously served as program chair, chief fundraiser, the organizer for the group’s annual photo contest, and organizer of PPG’s Meet-up page. Tom is looking forward to scheduling several enjoyable hikes and kayak outings during 2023.
Secretary and Program Chair = Linda Margo
Linda started serving on PPG’s ExCom in 2012. As program chair, she has scheduled numerous relevant programs and organized holiday gatherings and picnics. Many kudos to Linda for offering to serve as PPG’s recording secretary! She invites all of you to join us for PPG’s virtual meetings and speaker series. Linda looks forward to scheduling many other exciting and informative programs in 2023.
Conservation Chair = Don Henza
Don Henza has been involved with the Sierra Club for 35 years. From Rochester, NY to Anderson, SC he has been active as an Outings Leader. He was the SC Chapter Outings Chair for 4 years before moving to Greensboro with family. During the last 16 years he has been an adventure outings leader, Quartermaster and Assistant Scoutmaster for local BSA Troop 101. Recently becoming concerned with local water quality issues and the shrinking arboreal canopy that is so wonderful in Greensboro. He joined the Haw River Assembly and participated in the Sierra Club Greensboro City Council presentation, “Save Our Trees!”. He enjoys hiking and mountain biking on local trails with his Therapy Dog, Bella. He is also a member of BIG, BikeWalk NC, Mountains to Sea UHR Task Force, and the Piedmont Fat Tire Society.