Protect NC and National Forests

Speak up for North Carolina's national forests - the Pisgah, Nantahala, Uhwharrie and Croatan - and for national forest land across the country!  Comments are being accepted until Aug. 12. Click title link to read more and take action. 

Under the Trump administration, the U.S. Forest Service is proposing new planning rules that would drastically cut back the public's voice when it comes to logging and other uses of our national forests. Submit your comments now! to oppose this harmful change in the management of our public lands.

The proposed rules, published in June, would affect commercial logging; oil and gas activities; bulldozing for pipeline and utility right-of-ways; and road-building (including the official acceptance of illegally built roads and trails) and closure of access roads on public lands. It not only would block public comments on specific projects, but would cut back on environmental review and consideration of less harmful ways of meeting the same needs a project is intended to meet.

The Southern Environmental Law Center's ACTNOW helps you write an original and personal comment.  By partnering with SELC, we can also be sure that each letter submitted through the form is counted by the Forest Service. Submit your comments now!

The Forest Service says it needs these changes to cut red tape on routine work such as repaving parking lots, but the proposed rule changes go much further than routine activities. The changes would block public comment for almost 95% of Forest Service projects.

Image courtesy of SELC - ACTNOW