SJG Pinelands Pipeline

The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is currently considering a proposal by South Jersey Gas to install a brand new 22 inch gas pipeline through 22 miles of the Pinelands and Southern New Jersey.The line would run from Millville to the BL England power plant in Upper Township.

This pipeline will promote the use of fossil fuels and fracking. We believe that this pipeline will not only do damage to the Pinelands, but could be used to potentially export liquified natural gas (LNG) off our coast.

South Jersey Gas is seeking a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Pinelands Commission to move the project forward.Sierra Club believes the project and the MOA violate the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP), the planning document regulating the entire Pinelands region.The Pinelands CMP only gives the Commission authority to enter into MOAs with *governmental entities not with a private companies or utilities*.The project applicant is South Jersey Gas, not a government entity.

The proposed pipeline does not serve the needs of the Pinelands.The BL England plant is located outside of the Pinelands region and serves communities outside of the Pinelands. Portions of the line will also serve as a back-up to service in Cape May County and parts of Atlantic County.The South Jersey Gas transmission system supplies the local distribution systems for Atlantic City and the City of Cape May and almost all of the gas in the pipeline can be expected to go to those areas, not the Pinelands.

The proposed pipeline route crosses a significant Forest Area.While it is noted that the CMP does allow for public service infrastructure, such as pipelines, to cross Forest Areas if the project "primarily serve the needs of the Pinelands," this application does not qualify for that designation because it will create more pollution in the region and the gas flowing through the pipes and energy generated at B.L. England will serve areas outside of the Pinelands.

The project may be completely unnecessary.Four other natural gas plants are proposed or already being constructed in the state, including one in West Deptford.

Additionally, the Sierra Club and other environmental groups are currently in court challenging the water discharge permits for the BL England plant in Appellate Court.The plant currently uses a once through cooling system that kills billions of fish and aquatic organisms a year.If the court orders a pollution-reducing closed loop cooling system be installed, the project may be abandoned.

We’re announcing a campaign to protect the Pinelands.  We have to stand together to stop these pipelines. We started with a rally and campaign kick-off at the Statehouse in Trenton on August 20th. The Sierra Club, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, Environment New Jersey, and other concerned citizens came together in solidarity for the Pinelands.

The Sierra Club has been involved in the community and before the Pinelands Commission to stop this project.  To get involved in this campaign please contact Toni Granato at

More Information?

Press of Atlantic City Report
Information Handout in .pdf