Governor Christie is a Climate Crisis

Governor Christie is a Climate Crisis
Date : Tue, 1 Dec 2015 17:15:03 -0500

For Immediate Release

December 1, 2015

Contact Jeff Tittel 609-558-9100

Governor Christie is a Climate Crisis

While world leaders are meeting at the United Nations conference to discuss action on climate change, Governor Christie is saying climate change ‘is not a crisis’ in New Hampshire. He also stated that he is ‘not relying on scientists’ for an opinion on climate change. Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club released the following statement:

“ New Jersey has been impacted by climate change more than any other state in the nation. We have seen sea level rise on daily basis, causing flooding and roads to go under even during high tide, our coastal wetlands are disappearing; all while the Governor says there is not a crisis. Christie has caused a crisis when it comes to leadership. Since he has been in office we have seen 22 major weather events. Right now 180 world leaders are meeting to commit to reducing greenhouse gases in Paris, but it is not a surprise that Christie denies climate change because he has routinely sided with polluters against the environment. Christie wants to lead the charge to dismantle clean air safeguards that will protect us from future superstorms. Hurricane Sandy caused $50 billion in damages and 72 deaths in the U.S. and New Jersey is the worst state in the nation when it comes to flooding damage. Instead of addressing climate change, Christie pulled us out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Initiative, closed the office of Climate Change and ended DEP’s Coastal Program for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation . He has even made us vulnerable to the next storm by adding more loopholes for development in flood prone areas.”

“Christie doesn’t want to listen to the scientists because he doesn’t believe in science. He only believes in political science and taking care of special interests. Christie has used his national political ambitions to hurt our environment and block the most historic measures to address climate in New Jersey by opposing the Clean Power Plan in court. This is an outrageous abuse of power that directly threatens our health and environment. He has have aligned himself with polluters and is in direct opposition to the majority of New Jerseyans who support the Clean Power Plan. Christie is only doing the fossil fuel industry’s dirty work by fighting to roll back safeguards that save lives and help us all breathe a little easier. The only thing standing in our way from a cleaner and greener future is Governor Christie.”

Toni Granato Administrative Assistant New Jersey Sierra Club office:(609) 656-7612 @NJSierraClub and @StopPilgrimNYNJ on Twitter
Received on 2015-12-01 14:15:03