Forest Management Bills

We need your help in stopping harmful logging legislation! There are 5 bills currently in the Assembly and Senate that would promote clear cutting, logging and burning of our forests. They would mandate every town create a forest stewardship plan for each piece of forested property over 25 acres that was obtained through the "Green Acres Program." This would cost towns tens of thousands of dollars, if not more. Public lands in towns will be logged! The logging bill applies to 1 million acres of open space in the state, including state forests, state parks, Wildlife Management Areas, county parks, municipal parks and more. Logging will impact stormwater runoff, cause siltation, increase the cost of purifying water, increase deer population, reduce people’s property value, deepen the impact of droughts, destroy trails, increase greenhouse gas emissions and impact air quality. Please tell your mayor and local councilmembers to pass a resolution opposing these bills!

See this sample of a resolution for your municipality to adopt in oppostion of these bills.