May: Ashleey Kim and Allison Fabrizio were appointed to the Environmental and Social Justice Committee. The ExCom voted 14-0 to ask the Council of Club Leaders to ask the Board of Directors to develop a comprehensive per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) policy. Sierra Club activists and staff have been working to get strong laws and regulations on PFAS adopted at the federal level, and although PFAS are referenced in some Sierra Club policies, the Club has not yet adopted a comprehensive policy for PFAS. The ExCom voted (12 yes, 1 abstention, 1 nay) to ask National to authorize the Chapter to join Freeland, et al v. The Board of Zoning Adjustment, Township of Hopewell, an attempt to prevent a hotel/resort from being built near the Baldpate Mountain Preserve and other important habitat. This application was rejected by National, which does not favor “tag-along” suits, as lending the Club’s name and reputation would be unlikely to affect the outcome. Also, NJ Chapter member Chris Hitchcock, Esq., advised against joining the suit, citing Club policy and the extensive Hopewell zoning board review and approval of the hotel/resort application, which he advised would be difficult to overcome.
July: Nicholas Dell Beni and Matthew Walsh were appointed to the Transportation Committee, Gabriel Serna was appointed to the Legislative Committee, and Ashna Singh was appointed solar energy coordinator. Chapter Chair Rich Isaac noted that volunteers are sought for phone banking and letter writing in Pennsylvania, a swing state. Those interested should contact him directly at Incumbent US Representatives Josh Gottenheimer (D, NJ-5th) and Robert Menendez Jr. (D, NJ-8th) were endorsed with 11 votes in favor, none opposed or abstaining. The ExCom approved by consensus a plan to support dredging the former Clark Reservoir in Union County and creating a wildlife preserve and habitat there instead of an amusement park, which a developer has proposed and local residents oppose. The Loma Prieta (Ca.) Chapter has recommended a national road use charge and the NJ Chapter ExCom voted 10-0 with one abstention to recommend that Loma Prieta fine-tune the proposal by considering a set of alternatives, such as at-the-pump surcharges for electric and gas vehicles. The ExCom approved by consensus a plan to consider holding a member appreciation day event at Liberty State Park in October, where state Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Sean LaTourette will receive a Sierra Club National Environmental Achievement Award.
August: Shirin Sood was appointed to replace Syona Gupta on the Chapter ExCom. Syona is heading to college and the ExCom expressed appreciation for her work. The ExCom supported a resolution urging Essex County to act quickly to purchase a 5.7 acre property in West Caldwell, using money from the Essex County Open Space Trust Fund, to be preserved for passive recreation or open space.