Welcome to a New Volunteer and Seeking a Program Manager!

Our Chapter is glad to welcome a new volunteer at the Chapter level. On behalf of our NJ Chapter, I welcome her and thank her for coming on board to help strengthen our efforts dealing with waste! In addition, I look forward to our Chapter director leading us in hiring a new staff person to help us strengthen our efforts on energy!

Andrea Panico, Chapter Zero Waste Coordinator

Andrea Panico is an industrial designer and educator with over 20 years’ experience in the home furnishings space. She has extensive experience in the production of consumer goods, from large-scale mass manufacturing in factories to small, independent, and ethically sourced workshops.

In conjunction with her focus as a professor at Montclair State University, her interests include educating designers about the range of tools available to create more sustainable products.

Andrea has been appointed and confirmed as our Chapter’s zero waste coordinator and is now working on a number of waste issues with Chapter Conservation Program Manager Taylor McFarland.

Chapter Energy Program Manager

Our Chapter has begun the process of hiring (for the very first time) a fourth staff person to help us strengthen our efforts to transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.

When hired, the Chapter’s energy program manager will help coordinate development and implementation of strategic campaigns to move New Jersey to 100% renewable energy, working in collaboration with the NJ Chapter and program staff, as well as volunteer leadership, partner organizations, and the public.


The Energy Program

The manager will coordinate our Chapter’s efforts directly with the Club’s Beyond Coal, Clean Transportation for All, and Building Electrification Campaigns to develop and execute state-level campaign plans.

Working both independently and as part of a team, the new staff person will develop energy policy positions, implement policy strategy, and identify and solve legislative, regulatory, and local impediments to clean energy in New Jersey.


As there’s a possibility that the position may still be open at the time this newsletter is published, individuals who are interested in applying should go to this site: https://shorturl.at/Pe6hg


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