Altman Promises to Be an NJ Environmental Champion

Sua Altman

The Sierra Club takes very seriously the opportunity to review the records of our elected officials running for re-election and their challengers. In 2024 the NJ Chapter and our national Sierra Club office have carefully reviewed the positions and voting record of US Rep. Tom Kean Jr., of the 7th Congressional District, and his challenger Sue Altman.

The Sierra Club leadership has concluded that there is one candidate who will best reflect our mission and goals as the member of the House of Representatives from the 7th Congressional District. That candidate is Altman.

Altman has a record of grassroots organizing and activism in New Jersey that is unparalleled. She has been an advocate for workers, women, voting rights, government accountability, and transparency.

Altman will be accessible and represent the needs of the diverse communities that make up the 7th District.

Sierra Club NJ Chapter Chair Rich Isaac stated, “New Jersey is experiencing some of the most serious challenges from the climate change crisis. We need leaders like Altman who understand these challenges and will represent New Jersey at a national level.”

This writer has known Altman as a grassroots organizer and activist who does not back down in the face of challenges from those in power. Living in the 7th Congressional District, I look forward to working with Altman as our representative in Congress.

In the past, Kean established an environmental record that earned him praise from the Sierra Club. He served as a member of the New Jersey Senate from 2003 to 2022, and in 2022 he was elected to Congress.

However, Kean, a Republican, has failed to distance himself from the politics of former President Donald Trump, and Kean’s lack of environmental commitment in the face of the climate crisis is deeply troubling.

The leadership of the Sierra Club encourages voters to select Altman for Congress on November 5, 2024.

Look for much more information about Altman and all the other candidates endorsed by the Sierra Club during the months leading to the November 5 General Election.


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