The NJ Department of Environmental Protection has adopted California’s Advanced Clean Cars II (ACCII) standards. This sets a goal of gradually increasing the share of electric and hybrid electric passenger vehicles sold in New Jersey to 100% by 2035, starting with model year 2027.

The rule also establishes more stringent exhaust emission standards for gasoline and diesel vehicles, which will improve NJ air quality, especially near high-traffic corridors.

Delaying implementation until 2027 provides time for the auto industry to transition to electric vehicles and allows for continued expansion of New Jersey’s charging infrastructure and electrical grid.

The rule neither bans gasoline cars nor forces consumers to buy EVs. Rather, it will provide the certainty needed by vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, utilities, and charging infrastructure companies to invest in large-scale deployment of light-duty, zero-emission vehicles.

Eleven other states and the District of Columbia also have adopted the rule. They represent 34% of national light duty vehicle sales. However, NJ auto dealers are opposed to ACCII. Stay tuned….

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