How to Subscribe to Community Solar

In 2019, the NJ Clean Energy Program, managed by the NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU), initiated the 3-year, pilot Community Solar Energy Program to make clean solar energy available to all who cannot otherwise take advantage of solar energy due to various reasons. These reasons may include affordability; homes not suitable for solar panel installations; or residing in townhomes, condominiums, and apartments with no rooftops of their own. Commercial businesses with limited resources also are eligible to participate in the program.

In the first round, BPU approved 150 projects totaling 243 megawatts (MW) throughout the state. As of September 30, 44 projects had been completed, representing 63 MW, and there were 82 more projects (145 MW) in the pipeline with completion anticipated in early November 2023, according to the BPU.

Thus, community solar is becoming available to many residents of New Jersey. The program reserves 51% of the project capacity for low and moderate income (LMI) families and the rest is available for all other users.

Residents can take advantage of solar energy by subscribing to projects that are available in their areas. The community solar project delivers the solar energy equivalent of one’s monthly average electrical energy consumption. The solar energy from the project is channeled into the grid on behalf of the subscriber—not directly to the home— The subscriber receives solar credits, which results in savings on the electricity bill. Thus, the electricity drawn from the regular utility company is replaced by the clean energy from the community solar project. Community solar subscribers can save as much as 20% on their electric bill and help reduce energy generated using fossil fuels.

The community solar program is a huge enabler for those who are concerned about climate change and global warming and want to reduce their carbon footprint for a healthy environment. The BPU has been steadily making progress to make the subscription process very user friendly.

One can locate a community solar project if available in the desired ZIP code by visiting and clicking on the “Project Finder” link. This is followed by entering the ZIP code. All community solar projects that are available in that ZIP code area will pop up with all the information on them, including the terms of the agreement, expected discount, and the necessary subscription link to enable subscription.

This website also answers many frequently asked questions. The bottom line is that the subscription to a community solar project is free with zero upfront investment, no long-term contract to sign, no solar panels to install, and the freedom to unsubscribe on short notice.

The BPU has now made the pilot program a permanent program and expects to make an additional 450 MW available in the next two years, enabling many more NJ residents (LMI residents in particular) to benefit from solar energy and save money on their electric bill at the same time.

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