NJ Adopts Advanced Clean Cars II: Joins Neighboring States in Bold Climate Action 

For Immediate Release

Media Contact: Jackie.Greger@sierraclub.org 

NJ Adopts Advanced Clean Cars II: Joins Neighboring States in Bold Climate Action 

NEW JERSEY – Today, Governor Murphy officially announced that the state of New Jersey will adopt the Advanced Clean Cars II Program (ACC II). This program will set the state on a path to a healthy transition to zero-emission vehicles and cleaner air, by setting gradually increasing sales targets so that every new light-duty vehicle (and some medium-duty) sold in New Jersey will be a zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) by 2035. Other states, including Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Washington, DC have finalized or are on the path to finalization of ACC II this year. California, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington adopted ACC II in 2022. New Jersey’s adoption marks the 11th state joining the program. According to the Sierra Club’s State Tracker, states that have adopted the program make up 30% of new light-duty vehicle sales in the U.S.

“Today, New Jersey joins several states in the bold climate action of adopting the Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II) program. The adoption of ACC II in New Jersey is a historic and monumental step in our transition toward a cleaner transportation sector, and carbon and co-pollutant emission reductions. This program is life-saving for New Jersey residents. This is a huge win not only for the environment, but for public health and the communities who suffer everyday from the pollution from congested roadways.

“The Sierra Club and our environmental partners have gathered thousands of signatures in support of this rule, and today’s adoption shows that the will of the people is powerful and that when we come together, we win. New Jerseyans continue to demonstrate over and over again that tackling climate change and reducing pollution are priorities for us all. We are proud to have been a part of this movement and thank the NJDEP and Governor Murphy for prioritizing New Jersey’s public health and their unprecedented work to turn this rule around before the end of the year. This is what bold climate action looks like, New Jersey is delivering. We look forward to seeing a lot more zero-emission vehicles on our roads in the very near future.

The ACC II program will significantly improve our air quality and reduce emissions from our transportation sector, which is New Jersey’s dirtiest sector. Due to our proximity to major cities like New York and Philadelphia and our dense population, there is increased congestion on our roadways which is extremely harmful to public health and exacerbates the climate crisis. ACC II would result in reducing light-duty CO2 emissions by 72% below 2021 levels in 2035, 80% below for NOx emissions, 72% below for PM 2.5 and 73% for SO2

“With the adoption of ACC II, New Jersey no longer has to compete with other states for ZEV options given that car manufacturers are now required to meet new vehicle sale standards in our state. Because of this program, we will have more consumer choice and these sales won’t go to neighboring states. ACC II will put the pedal to the metal for the secondary used market as ZEVs become more accessible to people who can’t necessarily buy new cars. The faster we transition our light-duty vehicles, the faster these will become available for used vehicle sales. Clean transportation options should not depend on your income bracket,said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.


About the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information about our work in New Jersey, visit www.sierraclub.org/new-jersey.

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