Opinion: Opposition to Offshore Wind Is Not Grassroots

By Judy Minot • Chapter Vice-Chair; Co-Chair, Fundraising Committee

Many New Jersey residents, even many environmentalists, have been drawn in by ongoing, vehement campaigns against offshore wind. Residents of the Jersey Shore, in particular, are being led to believe that the opposition to offshore wind is a grassroots campaign started by concerned citizens. It isn’t.

Follow the Money

Protect Our Coast NJ and the American Coalition for Ocean Protection are fanning the flames of opposition to offshore wind in New Jersey. Both these organizations are financially connected to the Caesar Rodney Institute, which is a right wing think tank. The Caesar Rodney Institute has spearheaded similar anti-offshore wind campaigns in many other states and receives money from American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers and the American Energy Alliance, among others.

Big Campaigns Are Expensive

The velocity of these anti-wind campaigns points to big money and paid staff. Volunteers are great for showing up at rallies and sending in lots of small donations, but a slick campaign that gets a topic on everyone’s lips costs money. I learned this lesson over 13 years working for an ad agency in New Jersey. It helps when you can associate your idea (rightly or wrongly) with something people care about, like property values, electric bills, beach views, or wildlife.

Consider the money and time required to do these:

  • Research negative, scary-sounding ideas to associate with wind turbines.
  • Use graphic design and copywriting to create slick websites, presentations, social media posts, ads and posters.
  • Blanket the press, obtaining nonstop media coverage in print, radio, web, and TV, writing letters to the editor and op-eds. Mailing letters to every resident of targeted communities.
  • Besiege local politicians and leaders with prepared anti-wind propaganda.
  • Fly planes with anti-wind banners over the beach.
  • Organize anti-wind rallies, including permitting, publicity, bus rental, speakers, press coverage, and sign creation.
  • Initiate lawsuits to delay or stop wind turbine development.

We have seen all these tactics employed so far by opponents to New Jersey’s nascent attempts to counter global warming with wind-based energy.

Anti-Wind’s Deep Pockets

There is well-documented evidence that oil and gas companies have been fighting clean energy with every available tool. They historically hid the facts about climate change and are now reneging on promises to transition to renewable energy, while attempting to appear “green” to the public.

Well-funded groups, such as Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Caesar Rodney Institute, are also behind the recent spate of lawsuits attempting to slow down or stop offshore wind. Texas Public Policy Foundation counts among its funders Charles Koch, ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips.

Anti-Wind Is a Red Herring

The superstorm of opposition over offshore wind in New Jersey perfectly serves the agenda of oil and gas companies. It forces environmental groups like ours—with limited budgets and busy staff and volunteers—to expend precious resources defending good developments, such as wind turbines.

This makes it harder for us to spend our efforts opposing ongoing, disastrous fossil-fuel projects.

While New Jersey residents face off over wind turbines, plans for the Regional Energy Access Expansion Project, the Woodbridge/Keasbey Power Plant, the Williams Transco Pipeline, Tennessee Gas Pipeline expansion, and the Gibbstown LNG Export Project are pushing ahead.

Help Us Fight the Real Threats!

We need your help to stand up to the ill winds that threaten New Jersey’s coastline. We can stand up to the tornado of propaganda with a steady, strong message based on facts. As concerned environmentalists in New Jersey, your financial support in the fight for wind energy is more essential now than ever. When you donate to the NJ Chapter of the Sierra Club, 100%

of your donation stays in New Jersey so we can fight moneyed interests that put profit over people. Our power comes from members like you. To donate, please visit shorturl.at/elnOX

Thank you for helping us protect New Jersey’s special places for future generations.


Caesar Rodney Institute: shorturl.at/hnDKO

Big Oil Reneged: shorturl.at/arwyT

GOP Anti-Wind Donors: shorturl.at/kmBH8

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