Imagine—It Isn’t Hard to Do

By Karen Becker • Political Committee Chair

Is there anyone who hasn’t heard John Lennon’s iconic song “Imagine”?   The lyrics ask us to imagine a world of brotherhood and peace, without hunger or greed, and functioning as one. With today’s environmental issues, I wonder if Lennon would have written a song suggesting how we can be kinder to Earth itself. Would he have asked us to listen to science and the facts before it’s too late? If Lennon were alive today, I believe he would have been a leader in addressing climate change, the environment, and definitely environmental social justice issues.

Sadly, John Lennon is not here today to carry the torch on these as well as many other issues. But we do have the Sierra Club and members such as yourself. As a grassroots organization, the Sierra Club plays an important role in working with elected officials on all levels of government. Building relationships with our representatives helps us to inform and educate them on how we can approach and resolve harmful effects on the environment. Getting the right people elected who acknowledge these issues and will work to address them is key to the solution.   

Each election cycle, the Sierra Club endorses candidates who we feel have taken the greatest steps in working toward a better, cleaner environment. We hope you will consider voting for these individuals in the November 7 General Election. Let’s write our own song on how we can Imagine clean air, land, and water. (Visit for voting information in your area.)


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