Building Community With Spanish Speakers

By Alicia Remus • Press Release Translator

I was born in Mexico City and grew up in Guadalajara, Mexico. I studied industrial engineering and did an MBA and finance degree.

I became a New Jerseyan 26 years ago when the company I was working for in Guadalajara relocated me here. Hence, I love New Jersey and consider it to be my home.

I met my husband here and we have been married for 24 years.

Since I was young, I have been very aware of the footprint we humans make in this amazing world, and since then, I have tried to reduce my impact on the environment.

I have always admired all associations in the world that care for and fight to protect the environment. However, the jobs that I have had were extremely demanding and left me only my weekends to do chores, rest, and enjoy outdoor activities with my husband such as biking and hiking. Despite my lack of hands-on environmental work, I have always donated to multiple organizations—one of my favorites is Sierra Club.

While reading the newsletter of the Sierra Club’s NJ Chapter, I was very excited to find I could contribute at some level by supporting English-to-Spanish translation.

I always try to influence others to be mindful of the fragility of our incredible “blue round home, the earth” and how each of us can make a difference.

I hope that in this new role I can help to inspire Spanish-speaking NJ communities to participate in one way or another with the Chapter and help protect our wonderful world.

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