2023 Election for NJ Chapter Officers and Groups

Balloting is now under way for the 2023 election of executive officers and group leaders for the NJ Chapter of the Sierra Club. All current members are invited to participate.

Members will receive solicitations via email in October for online voting. Votes also may be cast using the mail-in paper ballot in the print edition of this newsletter (see page 2 for the ballot). The deadline for receipt of ballots is November 13 (e-ballot or paper).

Your votes are essential to help select leaders who will best represent the interests of Club membership!

The Chapter’s Executive Committee (ExCom) consists of nine at-large volunteers who meet on the second Saturday of each month to discuss state, regional, and other environmental issues and decide policy. ExCom also coordinates committee work on sustainability and conservation, initiates legal action, endorses candidates for public office, and hears from staff and volunteer officers.

Three ExCom members are elected (or re-elected) each year to three-year terms. There were no petition candidates this year. This year’s ExCom candidates were selected by Nominating Committee Chair Stan Greberis and members Joanne Pannone and Bill Beren.

The Elections Committee includes Chair Sindhu Pasricha and members Laura Bagwell and Jamie Zaccaria.

ExCom candidate bios and photos are on page 2 of the print edition.

Please vote for three at-large ExCom members and the leadership of your regional group. If you do not know which group you belong to, visit the Group News section of this newsletter (pages 12 to 16), where the Chapter’s 12 individual group geographical areas are described. You may only vote for your designated group as indicated by your membership number.

If you receive the print version of the newsletter, your group number is listed on the top line of your address label. This will help you determine which group ballot you should vote. If you participate in a group that is not in your regional area or if your group number is incorrect, please contact the Club’s member services at member.care@sierraclub.org or (415) 977-5653. The change will be effective for future elections.

To vote using the paper ballot included with the print edition of this newsletter, clip the entire ballot on the heavy dashed line and return it in your own stamped envelope to the NJ Chapter address provided in the ballot instructions.

Note that a properly clipped ballot will include the front-page mailing label. This will verify your membership. Your address label also indicates whether you have a joint or single membership.

If you are an individual member, vote on the paper ballot by checking the boxes immediately to the right of the candidates of your choosing. There is a second column of boxes to the far right of candidate names. This enables a second person to vote if you and they have joint Club membership.

If you receive our online newsletter, you may print the pdf of the ballot to mail to us. Your name, address, and membership number must be included in the submission for us to validate your ballot.

Club rules require nominating committees to nominate at least two more candidates than the number of executive member seats that are open. Some ballots include those “extra” candidates as write-in spaces. Candidates who are written in must be Sierra Club members and Club leadership must be able to contact them.

If the Sierra Club has your email address in its records and you have authorized emails from the NJ Chapter, you will receive a ballot by email in October. Click on the link provided in the email and follow the instructions for voting. Joint members who choose the online voting option must vote separately. Please cast only one ballot (e-ballot or paper).

See pdf of Print Edition, Page 2, for ballot and ExCom candidate bios and photos.