Air Quality in NJ Reaches Unprecedented ‘Very Unhealthy’ Levels

For Immediate Release

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Trenton, NJ - Over the past week, New Jersey has seen the effects of climate change on our doorstep. There have been consecutive bad air quality days due to smoke from Canada’s record wildfires, New Jersey’s largest wildlife of the year at Bass State Forest in Ocean County, and additional smaller scale fires across the state. 

AirNow monitors show “very unhealthy” levels for Trenton, NJ as of 5PM Wednesday evening. The National Weather Service recommended limiting time and any exertion outdoors and wearing a mask to help limit irritation of the respiratory system. Click here to view current air quality in NJ. 

According to the NJDEP’s 2020 NJ Scientific Report on Climate Change, wildfire seasons in NJ “could be lengthened, and the frequency of large fires increased due to hot, dry periods that will result from increased temperatures.” A heightened wildfire season has major air quality implications for New Jersey. The soot from fires is referred to as particulate matter, which is used to gauge the air quality level for public health and environmental purposes. 

“When you look outside your window today in New Jersey, you are seeing climate change firsthand,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Director of New Jersey Sierra Club. “Today is the first time ever in our state that the air quality has reached ‘unhealthy’ levels for all populations as forecasted by NJDEP, let alone ‘very unhealthy’ levels. Unfortunately, this is the new reality. The frequency and severity of wildfires is only set to increase as climate change worsens, so we must stay vigilant over the next few months as summer conditions approach. Not only do these fires pose a risk to our state lands and forests, but also to the health of wildlife and communities who live on the frontlines.”

New Jersey must lead the charge in putting an end to polluting energy sources that contribute to climate change. That is why this Saturday, the Sierra Club along with a dozen other environmental, community, faith based, labor union organizations will be rallying for sustainable renewable energy, haze or shine, at the NJ Wind Works Rally. We must stop our fossil fuel reliance and safely and equitably develop clean, renewable energy sources, like offshore wind. 

“Now is the time to transition to clean energy as New Jersey continues to experience climate change firsthand. Offshore wind is our greatest climate solution, and this rally will take a stand for climate action and clean energy. Environmental health is public health, and the sooner we can transition away from dirty fossil-fuels that cause climate change, the sooner we can all breathe easier,” said Ramos-Busot. 


About the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information about our work in New Jersey, visit


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