300 Strong Attended New Jersey Sierra Club and NJ Wind Works Coalition Rally for Responsibly Developed Offshore Wind - Event Recap

For Immediate Release                

Contact: Jackie.Greger@sierraclub.org

300 Strong Attend NJ Sierra Club and NJ Wind Works Coalition Rally for Responsibly Developed Offshore Wind - Event Recap

LONG BRANCH - On Saturday June 10th at 12PM, a broad coalition of environmental, faith-based, labor, and community organizations and activists gathered in Long Branch, New Jersey to show public support for offshore wind and clean energy at the NJ Wind Works Rally. There were about 300 folks in attendance. The event began with musical guests, the Solidarity Singers, who led the crowd in songs and chants in support of climate action, and was followed by a speaking program and march on the boardwalk. 

 Speakers included: 

  • Anjuli Ramos-Busot, NJ Sierra Club,
  • Ed Potosnak, NJLCV,
  • Reverend Tuft, GreenFaith,
  • Dominic Frongillo, Elected Officials to Protect America,
  • Loren Blackford, Sierra Club,
  • Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Statement read by NJ Youth Representative,
  • Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo,
  • Jen Coffey, ANJEC,
  • Atlantic County Commissioner Caren Fitzpatrick,
  • Senator Zwicker Statement, 
  • Matthew Montekio reading Congressman Pallone’s Statement, 
  • Capt. Paul Eidman - Anglers for Offshore Wind,
  • Patty Cronheim, Environmental Activist and coastal community resident, 
  • Doug O’Malley, Environment NJ,
  • Senator Booker Statement,  
  • Wyatt Earp – IBEW, 
  • Former Senate President Steve Sweeney,
  • Danielle Holland, Greenpeace,
  • NJDEP Commissioner Shawn LaTourette.

This event came at a critical moment for New Jersey’s clean energy transition, which relies heavily on responsible offshore wind development. Since December 2022, NJ has been under fire battling misinformation about offshore wind as opposition groups blame marine mammal mortalities on the projects (no project construction has begun yet). Although there is no evidence as cited by NOAA and the Marine Mammal Stranding Center connecting the mortalities to offshore wind, local opposition groups have used astroturfing as a tactic to delay offshore wind and spread misinformation. These groups are funded by conservative right-wing think tanks and the fossil fuel industry. 

About 20 opposition folks did show up to the NJ Wind Works Rally, but the event was successful in debunking misinformation and calling them into the long battle to protect marine mammals while also fighting climate change, as the speakers from the NJDEP and Greenpeace drove home. We were louder, larger, and more informed. 

Overall, the rally was a powerful showing of support for clean energy at the Jersey Shore, and met the urgency of this moment in which science and facts about offshore wind are under threat. The rally also came at a critical time following three days of unhealthy air quality and hazy skies across the state due to the Canadian wildfires and local wildfires in NJ. NJ is at the frontlines of the climate crisis, and this rally demonstrated that offshore wind is necessary for a livable and sustainable NJ for future generations. 

“As we have seen over New Jersey’s unseasonably warm winter, weeks of wildfires and hazardous air quality, climate change is at our doorsteps. The NJ Wind Works Rally has mobilized a movement of New Jerseyans, grassroots climate activists, local community members, union leaders, and advocates to take a stand for climate action, clean energy, and science overall,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Offshore wind is an economic and environmental boon for our state, creating thousands of local green jobs, kickstarting a new American industry, and mitigating climate change. We cannot let fossil-fuel funded groups delay our clean energy transition any longer if we are to preserve a livable environment and future for generations to come.”

Organizations Involved:

  • Sierra Club
  • Greenpeace
  • Pinelands Preservation Alliance
  • Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC)
  • Environment NJ 
  • Surfrider Foundation
  • Clean Water Action 
  • UUFaithAction
  • GreenFaith
  • National Wildlife Federation
  • EOPA- Elected Officials to Protect America
  • NJ Environmental Lobby
  • BlueGreen Alliance
  • NJ Work Environment Council (WEC)
  • Jersey Renews
  • Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) 
  • Eastern Atlantic Shores Regional Council of Carpenters
  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Group photo of NJ Wind Works coalition.

Sierra Club members at the NJ Wind Works March.

Sierra Club speaker Loren Blackford delivering remarks on offshore wind for NJ.


Youth activists at the NJ Wind Works Rally.

Wind Turbine props, courtesy of Greenpeace.

NJ Chapter Director Anjuli Ramos-Busot and NJLCV Director Ed Potosnak, Rally MC’s.

NJ Sierra Club Staff and Volunteer Leaders (left to right): Joe Testa, Anjuli Ramos-Busot, Rich Isaac, Allen Swanson, Jackie Greger, Taylor McFarland 


About the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information about our work in New Jersey, visit www.sierraclub.org/new-jersey.

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