A Warm Welcome and Deep Appreciation!

By Richard Isaac • Richard.Isaac@sierraclub.org

Our Chapter extends a warm welcome to the following individuals as they take on their new Chapter volunteer positions:

Joe Bennett, Environmental and Social Justice Committee Member

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Joe has a BA in economics and is pursuing a masters in integrative leadership focusing on data and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leadership. Next fall he will start a doctoral program focusing on DEI change leadership.

Joe has been a teacher and school leader for the last 30 years, primarily in areas serving low-income families. He is passionate about advocating for the education, health, and safety of those living in underserved communities. Regarding their health and safety, Joe is helping us pass legislation that will ensure mold remediation is done correctly and in a timely fashion in these communities.

Seth Kantor, Chapter Co-Chair of Membership

Seth Kantor inquired about the volunteer opportunity for Chapter membership chair featured in a recent newsletter. From that inquiry, he now finds himself in the position of being one of our Chapter membership co-chairs!

“I developed my love and appreciation for all that mother nature offers when I first joined Boy Scouts and started going on scouting trips as a kid,” Seth wrote. “Now I spend my time outdoors cycling, camping, hiking and pursuing landscape and nature photography.” Seth’s professional background is in marketing and advertising, he’s familiar with customer relationship management software (a mainstay in nonprofits), and he previously volunteered and worked part time at the NJ Conservation Foundation.

“There is so much pressure on the natural landscape here in New Jersey that I have always felt good knowing that Sierra Club and other organizations were out there working hard to protect what we have. Having been a Sierra Club member for many years I have decided it’s time to do my part to help protect the limited natural resources we have in New Jersey,” Seth wrote.

Jill Costa, Chapter Co-Chair of Membership

Jill Costa has been newly appointed as our Chapter membership co-chair. She has worked with the Climate Reality Project and Environment New Jersey in the past and looks forward to continuing her environmental advocacy journey with the Sierra Club’s NJ Chapter. In her spare time, she enjoys community theater, hiking, and organizing forest restorations and being with her niece and nephew.

Vicky Brown Varela, Digital Outreach Intern

Our Chapter extends warm thanks to Vicky Brown Varela for her services as our digital outreach intern. She was excited to help our Chapter build and strengthen its relationships with youth and environmental justice communities to cultivate a clean, safe, and just future for everyone, and we were very glad to have her.

Vicky earned her BA in international studies from American University, where she focused on environmental sustainability and peace, global security, and conflict resolution. Her academic and professional interests include political ecology, food sovereignty movements, and environmental peacebuilding. Vicky has worked on organic farms in Lebanon, Israel, and Palestine, and has conducted research in Costa Rica.

Among the many things she did for us, Vicky translated two Chapter press releases for our Spanish-speaking readership. We are seeking a volunteer translator to continue this offering. Contact me at Richard.Isaac@sierraclub.org if you are interested.


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