Van Drew Holds Offshore Wind Hearing in Cape May County: Sierra Club Unwavering in Support of Responsible Development

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Van Drew Holds Offshore Wind Hearing in Cape May County: Sierra Club Unwavering in Support of Responsible Development

Cape May County, NJ: Today at the Wildwoods Convention Center Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-02) held a public hearing from 2-5 PM entitled "An Examination into Offshore Wind Industrialization” to discuss the effects of offshore wind development on wildlife and local economies in New Jersey. Van Drew has previously announced plans to introduce legislation that establishes a moratorium on offshore wind projects in development and prohibits future projects as well. Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ-04) and Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD-01) were also in attendance, as well as experts in the fishing industry and environmental and energy policy, and environmental organizations and activists from across the state. 

The New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club and the Sierra Club overall stand in unwavering support of responsible offshore wind development for New Jersey. Offshore wind has the potential to make New Jersey a leader in clean energy across the nation, kickstart a new green economy, and create thousands of well-paying jobs. Also, by cutting our fossil fuel reliance, offshore wind will help alleviate the impacts of climate change statewide. Our communities have already faced the impacts of inland flooding, severe rain and weather events. Our state’s shoreline communities are additionally at risk of facing direct impacts from rising sea levels and strong storms. Studies suggest much of the shore can be underwater should business continue as usual. This can go on no more.

Offshore wind has the potential to be a real climate solution for the state, bringing economic and environmental benefits to our communities, but it also poses a risk to the fossil fuel industry profits. Fossil fuel opponents to wind are putting personal greed over the health of us all. Out-of-state fossil fuel interests are funding shadow organizations that work endlessly to delay NJ’s transition to clean renewable energy. These organizations have one goal  – to protect fossil fuel company profits by holding off the clean energy transition, and this is unacceptable. Addressing the climate crisis requires urgent and determined action now.

Unlike what Van Drew and others would like you to believe, clean, renewable energy — like wind power in New Jersey — offers an unmissable opportunity to end our dependence on polluters for power. Fossil fuels like gas, oil, and coal are the leading cause of climate change. Our dependence on fossil fuels for power, not renewables, put wildlife and coastal communities at risk. Climate change is the cause of rising sea levels, severe storms, and warming waters that threaten human health, economies, and entire aquatic ecosystems,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, New Jersey Director of the Sierra Club. 

“Offshore wind development in New Jersey is being done in an environmentally responsible manner with many best practices and considerations in place to mitigate impacts to our oceans and shores,” said Rich Isaac, Chair of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “Our chapter fully supports the projects in New Jersey while also being an advocate for our wildlife and coastal communities to ensure they will not be harmed along the way to a cleaner and safer climate future.”


About the Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information about our work in New Jersey, visit

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