Report from Trenton: Biden Pushed to Make Good on IRA Promises

By George Moffatt •

A coalition of about 160 local and national advocacy groups, including the Sierra Club’s NJ Chapter, are pushing the Biden administration to quickly implement the environmental provisions of the federal Inflation Reduction Act. The coalition also urged him to implement 20 federal protections proposed in the coalition’s Solutions for Pollution Action Plan to make good on his promises to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and airborne toxins.

Anjuli Ramos-Busot, director for the Sierra Club’s NJ Chapter, praised Biden for signing the Inflation Reduction Act, and also urged that his administration “use its existing authority like the Clean Air Act to advance the strongest possible climate, public health, and toxic pollution protections possible.”

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) also supported the coalition’s efforts, stating that “New Jersey families deserve a healthy environment in which to raise their children, and the next generation deserves to inherit a planet protected from the worst of climate change.”Many pundits believe that the outcome of November’s election might encourage the president to push harder on his environmental agenda during the next few years.

The Solutions for Pollution campaign is a broad coalition, organized by the Climate Action Campaign. You can co-sign the Biden letter by visiting

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